Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Heat Wave!

1. KNOWLEDGE - Many scenes in the story exaggerate an ordinary event until it becomes amazing. Give examples.

2. ANALYZING - What qualities make the girl so good at fighting the heat wave? Use details from the story.

3. GENERATING - If the farm had been out of lettuce seeds, how else could the girl have defeated the heat wave?

4. INTEGRATING - How is the heat wave like a character in the story? If the heat wave could talk, what would it say?

5. EVALUATING - Should the girl have told her neighbors why they had such an early snowfall? Why or why not?

6. CONNECTIONS - What do you think would happen if the stranger from Chris VAl Allsburg's story were at the farm during the heat wave attack?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Watch a Movie Version

View one of the many film versions of Cinderella. How does the movie compare to the story Cendrillon. Which version do you like better? Why?


1. ORGANIZING - At what point in time is Cendrillon's godmother tellling the story? How do you know this?

2. ANALYZING - Which story events could happen in real life? Which amazing events could never happen in real life?

3. GENERATING - Why does Cendrillon want to wear her own clothes when Paul puts the slipper on her foot?

4. GENERATING - How would this story have been different if Cendrillon had left the ball on time?

5. INTEGRATING - Why do you think the Cinderella story, in all its different versions, is so popular all over the world?

6. CONNECTIONS - Which story do you think is more amazing, Cendrillon or The Stranger? Give reasons for you answer.