1. KNOWLEDGE - Why is Jamal's grandfather so unhappy that Jamal fought to sit at the back of the bus? Give details.
2. ANALYZING - What does Jamal learn from talking with his grandfather? How is he different after the talk?
3. GENERATING - How does Jamal use what he learns from his grandfather in his skit? Explain.
4. INTEGRATING - Jamal says he did something "really stupid that turned out to be stupendous instead." What does he mean?
5. EVALUATING - What would you like to do for a school celebration of Dr. King's birthday? Be specific.
6. CONNECTIONS - Who do you think are the heroes in this story? What makes them heroic?
2. ANALYZING - What does Jamal learn from talking with his grandfather? How is he different after the talk?
3. GENERATING - How does Jamal use what he learns from his grandfather in his skit? Explain.
4. INTEGRATING - Jamal says he did something "really stupid that turned out to be stupendous instead." What does he mean?
5. EVALUATING - What would you like to do for a school celebration of Dr. King's birthday? Be specific.
6. CONNECTIONS - Who do you think are the heroes in this story? What makes them heroic?
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ReplyDelete1.I think Jamal's grandfather was so unhappy when Jamal fought to sit in the back of the bus because a seat is a seat and it shouldn't matter where you sit.Like Rosa Parks,she didn't give up her seat to a white man.She could have just wen't to the back of the bus.
ReplyDelete2. Jamal learned to not fight on the bus because of what happend to Rosa Parks when she got in jail for not moving in the bus seat.
ReplyDelete[4] When Jamal sayes he did something really stupid that turned out to be stupendoes instead he means he thought he did something stupid but it turned out to be a really good idea.
ReplyDelete1.Jamal's grandfather was so unhappy that jamal fought to stit at the back of the bus because befor civil rights black people had to sit at the back of the bus.
ReplyDelete1. Jamal's grandfather is so unhappy that Jamal fought to sit at the back of the bus because of Dr. King's Assembly and the grandfather also was in the protest to not have to sit in the back of the bus. He was in the protest to stop riding in the bus also.
ReplyDeleteDear Mrs. Roberts
ReplyDeleteI think your comment is great because it describes about how he learns abot the civil rights movement and how he appericates Dr. King cleary.
6. Dr. King is the hero because Jamel and his classmates has to do a play for Dr. Kings birthday. Jamel's Grandfather tells him about Dr. King how good he was and how he talked about the boycott.
ReplyDelete[6] DR. KING
ReplyDeleteI think the heroes in this story are the gandfather because he told jamal what was happening about the city buses.The buses were being unfare to african amarican by making them sit in the back.
1.Jamal grandfather was so up set about the fight on the bus because it was Dr.Kings birthday and fighting about a seet on the bus is such a little thing.
ReplyDelete1.The reason why Jamal's grandfather is unhappy that Jamalwas fighting to sit in the 1900's African american could not sit in the front of the bus.
ReplyDelete4.Jamal says 'he did some thing really stuipd and turned it in to some thing stuendous Idea this means you can always turn some thing around
ReplyDelete1.Grandpa Joe was so mad because African Americans (including grandpa Joe)HAD to sit at the back of the bus and Jamal fought to sit at the back of the bus.
ReplyDelete1.In back of the days black people had to sit at the back of the bus in white sit in the front that is why jamhal grandpa got so mad that he was fighting for the the back of the bus.
ReplyDelete5. I would like to watch a movie when the whites and the blacks could not come together then write a story about how you would react if you were back in Martin Luther King time. Then we can have ice cream and cake,cookies and soda Then we will do a activity with all of us to show how and what he went through back in his time. If he was still living i would throw a big birthday day bash for him.
ReplyDelete1.I think Jamal's grandfather was unhappy at Jamal because in 1955 Rosa Parks got sent to jail because she sat were the white people was soppose to sit.
ReplyDelete1.Grampa was reminded of civil rights and so blacks had to sit at the back of the bus and whites sit up the frount since dr.king worked it out so now we can sit anywhere.
ReplyDelete5.I would have a birthday celebration for DR.kings birthday and have a school parade and a social.
ReplyDelete1.Jamal`s grandfather was so unhappy when jamal got in a fight over a seat becuase when his grandfather was little a lady named rosa parks. She wouldn`t give up her seat to a wite man so she got arrested.When african americans hear that she got arrested they stopped rideing the bus and starrted a boycott. They won with out fighting.
ReplyDeleteMartin Luther King Jr was a hero because on page 547 it said he made a speech about black and white people should join the white people so they can make equal events.
What I would do for Dr. King brithday. Would throw a brithday party and remind everybody that everyone in america should be treated the same.
ReplyDelete1.Jammals grandfather was mad at his grandson for geting ina fight to sit in the back of the bus.Not only he got mad because a lady named Rosa Parks sat in the front where the white people sit and refuesed to sit in the back and got arested.Dr.king also worked very hard for evry one to have equal rights.
ReplyDelete1.jamal's grandfather was unhappy because in Alabama Rosa Parks got arested on the bus and didn't sit in the back of the bus with the other black americans
ReplyDelete1. Jamal's grandfather is so unhappy is because blacks used to sit in the back of the bus. Jamal got in a fight to sit in the back of the bus. That is why grandfather is so unhappy.
ReplyDelete1. Jamals grandfather was so mad because Jamal got in trouble for fighting on the bus and his garndfather is really serious because he really belives Dr. King and every one has equal rights.